Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sky City: Tokyo, JAPAN

1 comment:

  1. This is on my list for my next trip.

    Since 1989, the Takenaka Corporation has been toying with the idea of constructing Sky City 1000, a 1 km (3281 feet) tall superstructure containing a virtual city of 35,000 residents and 100,000 workers. Sky City’s 8 square kilometers (3.1 square miles) of floor space means there will be plenty of room for shops, schools, theaters, and all the other trappings of urban life that attract tourists.

    Sky City 1000 will no doubt be a nice place to explore, and it should relieve some of Tokyo’s congestion and free up some green space in the city below — which will be great for the peons living on the outside.
